Raccolta di storie pubblicate sulla rivista di moda alternativa Gothic & Lolita Bible nel corso della sua pubblicazione. I due volumi si compongono di 29 capitoli, e contengono le seguenti storie:
-Le Theatre de A-
1. †読み切りマンガ† (†One-shot Manga†)
2. oufs d’ange ~天使のタマゴ~
3. velvet going underground
4. childhood’s end
5. bite me something
6. Long Along Alonging
7. Till dawn
8. Lecon un
9. My skin on my back
10. Highland walker
11. perfect world
12. perfect lady (storia inedita)
13. Looks like a teaspoon
14. The peal blue story
15. I am a PIANO
16. PARADE (less)
-Le Theatre de B-
1. Noël
2. テディ・ベアル殺人事件 (Teddy Bear's Murder Accident)
3. 四姉妹殺人事件 (The Four Sisters' Murder Accident)(storia inedita)
4. A is for Alice A
5. 寝台の娘 アトリエの娘 (The Bed Girl, The Atelier Girl)
6. B&W ~Black&White~
7. Le Jardin du thé
8. Free Fitting for Her - First part
9. Free Fitting for Her - Final part
10. Rose dusk, Pale moon
11. Hello, my sister
12. The Happy Prince
13. Welcome to Wonderland